Henrich Solerioth was the Minister for Economic Affairs in the Water Realms. He managed seaweed exports, shell transfers, and pearl sales with utmost professionalism until, one day, the water ripples infected him with sounds that had traveled from faraway seas. They took over him like an illness that he never recovered from.

To Queen Thalassa's dismay, Henrich dropped his job and started dedicating all his time to his new obsession. With the help of a couple of dotty frog friends, he founded The Blue Note Trio, a jazz band that has quickly become everyone's favorite in the Water Realms, spreading the sounds that infected Henrich every time he caresses the strings of his bass guitar.

Henrich Solerioth is a Water and Magic Support monster with Fire Hater and Stamina Removal skills.

Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Hardened
Rank 1: Area Super Attuned
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Damage Boost to all allies on its first turn