Greetings, Monster Masters! Out with the old, in with the new: it’s time to give Pandalf’s Conjuring a good update! Here’s what you need to know:


Goodbye, Seasonal Tickets! Hello, Era Tickets!

Starting on June 21st, each Era will have its very own Tickets, and you won’t need to worry about getting tons of different ones at the same time! On June 21st, we will turn all of your current Seasonal tickets into new Historia Era Tickets. All Conjuring summons (except in the Permanent Gate) will use Era Tickets, which you will get as rewards by playing the game, as you’ve been getting Seasonal tickets until now. The only exception will be the removal of the Tickets as daily goal rewards in the Legends Pass. 

You will need to use all of your Era tickets before a new one arrives! If not, they will be turned into Permanent Tickets.

New Conjuring reward: Lamp of Choice

You may have already seen them, but better late than never: introducing the Lamp of Choice! When you get a Lamp of Choice as a reward in the Conjuring of Choice, it will allow you to claim Monster Eggs or Cells of the Monster of your choice, including Ancestors! 

Each season, the roster of monsters available in the Lamp of Choice will be updated with the monsters and Ancestors from the previous season, so you will still be able to obtain them.

And that’s all, Monster Masters! Let us know what you think via our official social media channels. We’re looking forward to it!