Hysterikeaster was born when an ordinary rabbit accidentally took a little dip into one of Warspellzā€™s potions instead of the stew pot. After a madcap adventure involving Roborabbit and a dash around Petra, the Barbarians decided they wanted Hysterikeaster to live with them. Otherwise, they reasoned, it would just be a waste of potion.

While Hysterikeaster isnā€™t the cuddliest pet, he is rather useful in a lot of ways. First of all, unlike most mountain bunnies, heā€™s heavily armed. Second, heā€™s a ferocious beast who loves eating trespassers. Finallyā€”and donā€™t let the Barbarians know this got out, or theyā€™ll be madā€”they really like petting Hysterikeaster and feeding him clover. They find it relaxing. (Seriously, donā€™t go spreading that around. Itā€™s for your own safety.)

Hysterikeaster is a Magic Attacker with Random Torture and Duplicate Torture skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Control
Rank 1: Immune to Blind
Rank 3: Status Caster: Applies a random Torture to all enemies at the start of the battle