Chillout Events
What are Chillout Events?
Chillout Events is the cool hangout where you can complete timed events and collect Gold, XP, Chillout Points and Upgrade items.The more ord...
How do I fill orders for a Chillout Event?
Simply tap the required item and then you can either select “Serve” if you have all the required items or “Ask For Help” if you need help. W...
How do I donate and receive help with a Chillout Event?
If you don’t have all the items or dishes you need to serve then you can ask for assistance to fill one of the orders per row in your Chillo...
I completed all the Chillout orders but have not received a reward, why?
You must tap on the Complete Now! button before the event time runs out to receive rewards. If you fail to do so and the event ends you will...
What are the Blue Globe points in the Chillout events?
The Blue Globe indicates the number of Chillout Points. Along with rewards you earn Chillout points by completing Chillout events and then y...
What are the Green Globe points in the Chillout events?
The green Globe indicates the number of Chillout events you have fully completed (all rows).
What is the Chillout Leaderboard?
The Leaderboard is a player's global ranking depending on the number of Chillout points they have collected completing Chillout Events. The ...
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