Billboard Guy / Special Offers
Billboard Guy / Video Ads / Offer Wall
I lost my game!
Known Issues
How can I find my game ID?
How can I add Friends on my game?
How can I transfer my restaurant to a new Android device?/Multiple Android devices?
Halloween V1.38
September 1.37
Serve All Tables!
Chillout Event Rewards
VIPs Accept Regular Dishes
Where is the Vineyard?
I am having trouble starting up the game… What can I do?
Why does the game keep reloading?
Billboard Guy / Video Ads
Why don't I have Billboard Guy / Video Ads?
No Video / Error Loading Videos
The Boat!
Recipe Cards and Blueprints Update
What is Popularity?
The Boat Tutorial Video!
New to Game Tutorial
Achivements Tutorial
How can I see who is following me?
How can I follow a chef?
Why can I not connect with Facebook in the game?
How to use Google Wallet
How to request a refund
Can I reset / restart the game?
Don’t share your login data!
Save your Progress with Game Centre
Enable Gem Spending Confirmation
Something is wrong with the sound!
How can I turn off the notifications?
I want to update the game
App is running slow
I can see strange codes in the descriptions
My child accidentally made an in-app purchase. How do I get a refund?
How can I manage or turn off in-app purchases?
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